Thursday, April 25, 2013

Control Guns, Control America



On Friday, July 20, 2012, a mass shooting took place inside a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.  A man named James Holmes began firing into the audience, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others.
On December 14, 2012, an American tragedy took place at Sandy hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. 20 innocent children, as well six adult staff members were fatally shot by a man named Adam Lanza, age 20.

                 Adam Lanza                                         James Holmes


After the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings, every gun hating politician came crawling from every nook and crevice, to spread the message that guns are the root of all violence and evil that plagues the earth. They claim that even the most well meaning, law abiding citizen, when armed, becomes a menace to society. A huge percentage of government officials think that American citizens are no longer capable of the responsibility of owning and handling a firearm. It isn't the inept, ignorant politicians that surprise me, what surprises me is the increasing number of Americans who also believe that guns are too powerful an evil for U.S. citizens to handle. They are asking the U.S. government to disarm the men and women of America, to weaken the strength of the people.  A well armed people is a people that can defend their freedom, and insure that their rights are never infringed upon. Once you have stripped away the second amendment, every other right and freedom becomes defenseless, laid bare before our government or anyone else who would wish to enslave the people of America. Following Sandy Hook, hundreds protested outside the NRA office in Washington, D.C., chanting, "Shame the NRA."

Of course the people have a right to gather and protest, for either side of the argument, but there seems to be a change in the mentality of America. Do we truly believe that our government should take things from us when they determine that it is too dangerous? What are they going to about stabbings? Are they going to make us use plastic silverware so we cant hurt ourselves or others? Has everyone forgotten the good guns have done in this country? The innocent men, women, and children, who have protected themselves with a gun- who have prevented rapes, murders, home invasions. Lets not forget headlines like this:

"Pregnant Tucson mom defends herself and her children with gun"(January 7, 2013 )
"15 year old boy uses his father's gun to stop 2 home invaders"(July 1, 2010) 
"86 Year-Old Woman Uses Gun To Defend Herself From Intruder" (February 12, 2013 )

Criminals, by definition, do not obey the law. There are already laws in place that address most gun issues.
None of the new gun laws being brought forward would have prevented the Sandy Hook, or Aurora tragedies. It is already illegal to kill somebody, it is already illegal to enter a school, or movie theater with a weapon. These already in-place gun laws are being observed by millions of gun owners in the U.S. Law abiding citizens are not the problem. The American people must realize that they will never succeed in stopping all violent crime. The perpetrators of these vile crimes do not care about the law. They do not think like a normal citizen, and they will not act like one. The men who committed these crimes were not going to stop because obtaining a gun was difficult. If guns were not available to them, they would resort to bombs, or other means. They would buy there weapons from black markets, or make their own, witch is not difficult in this time of easily obtained information.
Let's take a look at the drug trade in America. Drugs are illegal, yet you can obtain them on nearly every street corner or alley in every major city. Did making alcohol illegal stop people from drinking it during prohibition? The people wanted alcohol, so they found somebody that would supply it, legally or otherwise. I would also like to bring up the fact that hunting is not the reason for the second amendment. If deer were all we had to worry about we wouldn't need automatic weapons or assault rifles, unfortunately we have other things to worry about- like a power grabbing government and a society full of men and women who don't know the value of an INNOCENT life. I've heard the argument that our forefathers couldn't possibly fathom the weapons that would be available to people these days, and I'm sure they couldn't. But they intended our guns to be a precaution, in case Government got out of hand. Yes, that is the reason for the second amendment. And as our Government arms themselves with more and more sophisticated weapons is only seem right that we should as well. This is meant only to remind the Government that we are their employers, not their subjects, And that they are subject to OUR judgment.



Will the American public make things easier on our power grabbing government and disarm themselves? Not All Of Them! While Government can't seem to understand this, I know there are Americans who would rather die than hand over their rights- The very rights their fathers, and their father's fathers fought for.

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